Amelia Fyfield, CSIRO

July 4th, 2024

Amelia, as CSIRO’s Southeast Asia Counsellor, works to build and maintain relationships with ASEAN, its member country governments and other Australian Government agencies, as well as industry and development partners active in the region, to build collaborative research and innovation programs. She works to provide documented and actionable insight to CSIRO scientists and partners seeking market entry. Apart from that, she also connects closely with Team Australia colleagues to support targeted market engagement programs profiling Australia’s science and innovation capabilities in our region. Prior to her posting in Singapore, Amelia was CSIRO’s Country Director for Indonesia, based in Jakarta.

Before joining CSIRO, Amelia was Head of Beanstalk AgTech business in Australia and New Zealand, and she has also worked previously across a range of Trade Development and Market Access roles for the Victorian Government, including a stint in Kuala Lumpur as the State’s Deputy Commissioner to Southeast Asia.

Amelia speaks Indonesian, holds a Master of International Business and is an AsiaLink Leaders Program fellow.