Dang Nguyet Anh, NPAP Vietnam

Ms Dang Nguyet Anh joined the World Economic Forum and UNDP Viet Nam as National Plastic Action Partnership (NPAP) Manager to lead the strategic planning and oversee the implementation of the NPAP in Viet Nam. Anh works closely with governmental ministries, World Economic Forum, enterprises, development partners, financial institutions and Civil Society Organisations to facilitate a government backed multi stakeholder platform in addressing plastic pollution through informed policy, boosted innovative solutions, improved behaviour change, and sustainable financing mechanisms in Viet Nam.

Over the last 10 years, she has been managing and coordinating a high portfolio of projects and programs in both nonprofit and governmental sectors to improve systems and policy for biodiversity conservation and sustainable development for different communities in Viet Nam. She has been recognised with strong professional expertise in capacity building, youth mentoring, dialogue moderating, policy influencing, and partnership development including public-private partnership, government to government collaboration and inter-agency coordination. She holds a Master of Environmental Sciences at University of Tsukuba, Japan with a pillar program in waste management. Her passion for promoting plastic circular economy, multi-stakeholder partnerships, and evidence-based policymaking processes underscores her commitment to contribute to global and national efforts to avert plastic pollution.