Dilan Robert, RMIT University Australia

June 5th, 2024

Associate Professor Dilan Robert is the Head of Department in Civil & Infrastructure Engineering at RMIT. He obtained his first degree from University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, and his PhD from University of Cambridge, UK. His research areas include pipelines, road pavements, soil stabilisation, waste recycling, soil–structure interaction analysis, offshore geotechnics, unsaturated soils, constitutive modelling of soil and concrete, and corrosion assessment of buried metals. He is the Director of Research and Education at the Centre for Pavement Excellence Asia Pacific Ltd and Fellow of Australia–India Strategic Research Fund (AISRF). Dilan is a Chief Investigator for many ongoing state/national/industry projects with value over $5 million. He has published over 200 technical papers since 2011 across his wide research areas and interests.