Poster Session 3
Session time: 5:25pm – 5:35pm
Location: Ballroom promenade

Nugroho Adi Sasongko (IPPIN/BRIN)
Poster 1: Research on circular economic and local community development (Case study: Banjarnegara District)

Jumana Alshehhi (RMIT University)
Poster 3: Valorising waste: flexible bioplastic blends and biocomposites for sustainable packaging application
Jumana Alshehhi is a PhD student at RMIT, researching how to tune biodegradability using waste valorisation. Her work focuses on developing flexible bioplastic blends and biocomposites for sustainable packaging applications, aiming to advance environmental sustainability through innovative waste management solutions.
Poster not available. Please contact the presenter directly.

Jacinta Colvin (RMIT University)
Poster 8: Plastic food for fledgling short-tailed shearwaters (Ardenna tenuirostris)
Jacinta Colvin is a practicing veterinarian and PhD candidate at RMIT University. Currently her research seeks to investigate the effects of environmental contaminants such as plastics and metals on the health of short-tailed shearwaters and little penguins in Australia.

Thuhin Kumar Dey and Biplob Pramanik (RMIT University)
Poster 13: Evaluating the performance of the metal organic framework-based ultrafiltration membrane for nanoplastics removal
Thuhin Kumar Dey is a PhD student in Civil and Infrastructure Engineering at RMIT University, supported by the ARC fellowship. He holds an MSc and a BSc in Leather Engineering from Khulna University of Engineering & Technology, Bangladesh. His research initially centered on the separation of microplastics and nanoplastics using membrane filtration, resulting in several publications in reputable journals. Currently, his research is focused on the fabrication of MOF-based composite membranes for the separation of nanoplastics from wastewater.
Dr Biplob Pramanik, a Senior Lecturer and ARC DECRA Fellow at RMIT University, previously held positions at La Trobe University as a Lecturer and as a Vice-Chancellor Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Wollongong. He earned his PhD from RMIT University in 2016. His research investigates the fate and control of emerging pollutants (such as nano/microplastics) in water and wastewater, alongside the utilisation of waste materials in civil engineering applications. To date, he has published over 130 articles in international peer-reviewed journals.

Mohammad Aslam (RMIT University)
Poster 18: Simultaneous removal of Microplastics and Chlorpyrifos from water with magnetic powder
Mohammad Aslam is a PhD candidate in Chemical and Environmental Engineering at RMIT University, Australia. Currently he is focusing on design and development of magnetic materials to remove micropollutants like microplastics, pesticides, and PFAS from wastewater. He holds an MSc from USM Malaysia and a B Tech from AMU India.

Joseph Boctor (Murdoch University)
Poster 28: Bugging out plastic: plastivore insects from past to future
Joseph Boctor is a PhD student in the Bioplastics Innovation Hub at Murdoch University. Coming all the way from Egypt, Joseph’s goal is to tackle the plastic waste problem through comparative genomics and enzyme engineering.