Suzanne Toumbourou, ACOR

May 28th, 2024

Suzanne Toumbourou is the Chief Executive Officer of the Australian Council of Recycling (ACOR) the peak body for resource recovery, recycling and remanufacturing, committed to leading the transition to a circular economy through the recycling supply chain.​

Suzanne is an organisation leader with deep experience in public affairs, executive management, stakeholder relations, governance strategy of not-for-profits, with a strong reputation as a sustainability, recycling and circular economy subject matter expert.

At ACOR, Suzanne works closely with industry and government to advance a national agenda for a thriving recycling sector, with core priorities focussed on regulation, end-markets, outcome-driven product stewardship and community education.

Prior to this, Suzanne was the longstanding Executive Director of the Australian Sustainable Built Environment Council, where she delivered impactful policy outcomes for building sustainability, including advancing the energy performance provisions in Australia’s Building Code and informing the priorities of the COAG Energy Council’s Trajectory for Low Energy Buildings.

​Suzanne has broad experience encompassing Federal and State Governments, industry and non-profit organisations. She is passionate about leading positive change for people, industry and the planet.