Frequently Asked Questions

Thus far through the planning of the voyage there has been a number of key questions raised about the voyage, this page aims to answer as many of those common questions as possible.

What nutrients will we measure?

We are primarily focused on measuring nitrate (as NOx), phosphate (dissolved reactive phosphate) and silicate (dissolved reactive silicate). Depending on the feasibility from the participants, we are also aiming for ammonium to be measured.


What reference material are we using?

For the purposes of the project, we will supply all participants with 3 concentration ranges of KANSO RMNS, this will allow us to make clear comparisons between all participants.


How many samples will a participant be measuring? 

We are only aiming for 1 CTD per day, which will have between 18 and 24 samples for each participant. Along with the measurements for reference materials, this would mean a maximum of 30-40 sample measurements per day. Our intention is that this workload can be easily managed by just one chemist from each participating agency.


What other projects are being undertaken on the voyage?

The INIV project is the primary project for the voyage. This means we will have priority access to the entire ship facilities to help us achieve our goals. Secondary project opportunities will be considered as part of the planning process and may be included where they compliment the primary work.


Is this voyage and project only for a comparison of CTD collected samples?

Currently it is only planned to undertake a nutrient inter-comparison of CTD collected samples. However there may be consideration to expand this to supplementary underway instrumentation and will depend on a number of factors like participation levels and the introduction of supplementary projects on the ship.


Are the CTD deployments for other purposes or will we have full access to it? Will there be enough sample volume for everyone?

Water collected from CTD deployments will be prioritised for use by the INIV project. The rosettes on RV Investigator carry 12 liter niskin bottles, there will be likely more than enough for all laboratories to take a nutrient sample. Additional CTD’s may be conducted to support secondary projects if additional water is needed.


What availability of ultra-pure water is there on the ship? 

RV Investigator has 3 ultra-pure water dispensers throughout the clean laboratories, each capable of producing 10 liters per hour.


How will users have access to hazardous reagents?

In preparation for the voyage, the planning team will gather the reagent requirements for each participating agency and aim to have enough available at the CSIRO Hydrochemistry’s Hobart laboratory. Participants will also have the opportunity before the voyage to use CSIRO lab space in Hobart to prepare anything necessary reagents in advance of the voyage.


How much will voyage participation cost?

There isn’t a cost associated with participating on the voyage, all costs of the vessel are covered by the Marine National Facility. All we need is for you to be in Hobart with your instrument ready for the voyage! Please get in contact if this is a prohibitive factor, we are looking at options to help supplement people travelling and shipping equipment.