SOBAE has been cancelled due to low registration


To be held in conjunction with ICSOC 2020


Blockchain is an immutable and transparent distributed ledger hosted by a Peer-to-Peer network, which provides data integrity for the services built on top of it. There are increasing interests in Service-Oriented Computing to adopt Blockchain as a means to provide trustless decentralization of services. In fact, some recent examples such as decentralized access control for IoT devices or decentralized identity management show that Blockchain can be effectively utilized in the context of Service-Oriented Architecture.  However, in its early days of adoption, there is still a lack of understanding about how the functional and non-functional properties of blockchains could impact the overall system when combined with service orientation paradigms.

The design of blockchain provides unique properties to the services built on top of the blockchain, like data integrity, immutability, and transparency. At the same time, blockchain also necessitates network environmental uncertainties in a distributed system, including complex interactions involving multiple components and asynchronous messages exchanged between services and the blockchain. Other than the network environmental uncertainties commonly occur in a distributed system, blockchain also instigates additional uncertainties, like probabilistic immutability of Proof-of-Work blockchain, or transaction being discarded due to low transaction fees. These unique properties and uncertainties of the blockchain environment need to be understood deeply and handled properly in order to build reliable services on top of a blockchain.

In addition, there are diverse ranges of blockchain platforms that have emerged since the advent of Bitcoin in 2008. These platforms have a complex internal structure and many configurations and variants. A comparison of different blockchains is difficult due to the lack of product data and technology evaluation resources. Thus, efficient blockchain application design and engineering approaches are very important to build applications and services on top of a blockchain.

This workshop is aimed to bring the interest of researchers, practitioners, and industries to the current issues, new directions, and challenges for blockchain application engineering, especially in the context of service-oriented architecture.  As might be expected, the workshop themes will also explore the effective application of well-established SOA design and engineering methodologies into building blockchain systems, which so far has not been thoroughly exploited.


We call for papers that explore the themes around design and engineering issues of using blockchains in the context of service-oriented paradigms. The topics include, not exhaustively, the following:

  • Blockchain in Service Oriented Architecture
    • IoT/edge computing and blockchain
    • Blockchain enabled trusted SOA
    • Quality of Blockchain-based SOA
  • Service-oriented Blockchain applications
    • Blockchain design/development/deployment as a service
    • SOA design patterns for Blockchain
  • Blockchain Application Engineering
    • Design patterns and reference architecture for blockchain applications
    • Design notations/tools/analysis for blockchain applications
    • Smart contract development and testing
    • Programming languages for service composition and integration

Contact Information

If you have any questions or queries on SOBAE2020, please send an email to xiwei.xu AT