Conference publication submission

Submission information of manuscripts to IUPAP International Conference on Women in Physics to be published in the AIP Conference Proceedings.

Co-Editors are Joanna Turner (University of Southern Queensland), Cathy Foley (Australia’s Chief Scientist) and Deb Kane (Macquarie University). They can be contacted by the ICWIP email address:

Managing Editor Name: Jane Marie Andrew
Andrew Communications Group, LLC

Supported by funding from: AAPT – managed by Beth A. Cunningham, Ph.D., Executive Officer:

The Proceedings for the Conference will appear in print in mid-2022. It will be similar in style to and continue the tracking of the development of women in physics worldwide:

  • Women in Physics, the Proceedings of the First IUPAP International Conference on Women in Physics (AIP Conference Proceedings #628),
  • Women in Physics, the Proceedings of the Second IUPAP International Conference on Women in Physics (AIP Conference Proceedings #795),
  • Women in Physics, the Proceedings of the Third IUPAP International Conference on Women in Physics (AIP Conference Proceedings #1119),
  • Women in Physics, the Proceedings of the Fourth IUPAP International Conference on Women in Physics (AIP Conference Proceedings #1517),
  • Women in Physics, the Proceedings of the Fifth IUPAP International Conference on Women in Physics (AIP Conference Proceedings #1697), and
  • Women in Physics, the Proceedings of the Sixth IUPAP International Conference on Women in Physics (AIP Conference Proceedings #2109).

Papers are to be submitted in editable form using the conference publication template and formatted using the conference publication template
for either Word or LaTeX; papers will be edited and returned to the authors for approval. If you are using a LaTeX format please use:

To manage the workflow, we have different submission dates for the papers:

Country Papers 15 August 2021 Page limit 3
Plenary Speaker Papers 1 October 2021 Page limit 5
Conference Resolutions 1 September 2021 No limit
Science* Papers 1 November 2021 Page limit 4
Workshop Reports 15 October 2021 Page limit 5
Related Conference Information 1 September 2021 No limit

*This includes papers on women in Science and education. 

  • Papers are submitted to: on or before the due date. All papers must be a minimum of 2 pages.
  • All papers are peer reviewed.
  • All papers must be submitted on the template and within the page limit and use the check list  to make sure the paper is in the right format.