0830-0840 | Welcome and housekeeping |
0840-0920 | Opening address: How ML can assist with real-time control (Prof. Amanda Barnard :: ANU) |
0920-1000 | Keynote Domain 1: Additive Manufacturing (Dr Stephen DeWitt :: Oak Ridge National Laboratory) |
1000-1040 | Keynote Domain 2: Flow Chemistry (Prof. Richard Bourne :: University of Leeds) |
1100-1140 | Keynote Domain 3: Robotics (Prof. Michael Milford :: Queensland University of Technology) |
1140-1220 | Keynote Domain 4: Energy (Dr Jan Drgona :: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory) |
1220-1300 | Keynote Domain 5: Space/Aerospace (Dr Nick Mule :: Boeing US) |
1300-1340 | LUNCH & POSTER VIEWING @ Robert Leicester Room |
1340-1410 | Two short talks on hardware aspects – 15-min each (TBC: Potentially by NEC/NVIDIA/Siemens) |
1410-1450 | Keynote ML: In-depth case study on ML-assisted real-time control (TBC: Potentially by Microsoft Australia) |
1450-1530 | Facilitated group discussions on identifying issues + developing of roadmap |
1550-1650 | Continuation: Facilitated group discussions on identifying issues + developing of roadmap |
1650-1710 | Poster pitches by ECRs (3 minutes each maximum) |
1710-1730 | Pitches by 2x Platinum + 2x Gold Partners (5 minutes each) |
1730-1740 | Giving away of 3 prizes ($500, $300, $200) to ECRs for posters + Closing remarks |
1740 onwards | COCKTAILS + NETWORKING |