The International Symposium on Mafic-Ultramafic Mineral Systems 2026 is the first year of merging the International Platinum Symposium and the International Nickel Symposium, to reflect the ongoing collaboration between these two communities. The symposium aims to connect all researchers, students and industry who focus on these Mafic-Ultramafic systems including their genesis and potential to form ore of critical commodities (Ni, Cu, Co, PGE, V, Ti, Cr).

To read more about the community visit the MAGSUL website.

The symposium will be held from Monday 29 June 2026 to Friday 03 July 2026 in Perth, Western Australia. The program will consist of 3 days of talks interwoven with 2 days of field trips.

Details for the scientific program will be published in August 2025.

Field trips and Workshops will be run before and after the symposia.

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