Julia Spicer OAM

Julia Spicer OAM is a QLD business treasure. She is described as a courageous catalyst for positive change within regional communities. Julia’s leadership has been recognised by her appointment as QLD’s Chief Entrepreneur in 2022. Julia’s mission is to contribute to the vibrancy and viability of rural and regional Australia by helping businesses grow. Through strategic planning, coaching and online courses; Julia does just that.
Julia Spicer founded her business, Engage & Create Consulting in December 2012, from Goondiwindi, South West Queensland. The focus of Engage & Create Consulting is to support the viability and vibrancy of businesses and community organisations across regional Australia. With two decades of experience in agricultural extension, Landcare and catchment management – she now works with regional communities and industry across the country on a range of projects, with the focus on identifying needs in business and implementing creative solutions to address them.
She also founded The Goondiwindi Business Hub, (The Hub — Goondiwindi Business Hub (gdibushub.com)) a venture she entered with business partners in November 2013. “The Hub” is home to 8 businesses who have long-term tenancy, as well as providing hot desking and short term accommodation for other businesses, at The Spot (The Spot — Goondiwindi Business Hub (gdibushub.com). In May 2021, Julia and her husband Tony opened The House4390, (The House — Goondiwindi Business Hub (gdibushub.com). Goondiwindi’s newest and most exciting retail hub! The House is home to 5 female-led homewares and service businesses, that were home-based prior to The House existing. This has been a valuable addition to the Goondiwindi business community.
Along the way she has collected a few gongs!
2022 –OAM for service to regional business and organisations
2018 – Australian Financial Review 100 Women of Influence; Queensland Government 100 Faces of Small Business
2017 – Queensland Rural, Regional and Remote business owner of the year
2014 – 100 Women in Australian Agribusiness
Julia has completed the AICD Company Directors Course and has several board leadership roles. Currently she is a board member on the Queensland Government Innovation Advisory Council Innovation Advisory Council (IAC) (chiefentrepreneur.qld.gov.au) ) and Global Entrepreneur Network Australia (Australia | Global Entrepreneurship Network (genglobal.org) and Motherland (Home – Motherland Australia).
Past board roles include Regional Development Australia for Darling Downs South West Queensland (www.rda.gov.au), the Queensland Government Small Business Advisory Council, YWCA Qld, and the Australian Land Management Group.
You can find Julia online in several places:
Twitter – @telford_julia
Instagram – @Engageandcreate
Linkedin – (99+) Julia (Telford) Spicer OAM | LinkedIn
Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/EngageandCreateConsulting