Innovation Collaborators

AEA is $1.6 billion Australian Government investment aimed at transforming Australia’s research translation and commercialisation landscape. 

AEA seeks to invest in projects that have both high commercial potential and foundational scientific value, bridging the gap between research outcomes and commercialisation and moving research breakthroughs down the innovation pipeline. 

  • AEA is a downpayment on our future. It provides non-dilutive funding that aims to ensure that Australia remains at the forefront of global innovation while also securing long-term economic growth. 
  • AEA operates as a priority-driven grant program to support projects aligned with national research priorities with high commercial opportunity. 

Explore AEA:

Australia’s Food and Beverage Accelerator (FaBA) is a $160 million initiative to foster collaboration between industry and university researchers to accelerate the development of new food and beverage (F&B) ingredients, products and skills that benefit Australia.  

From ideas to investment to innovation, FaBA works with start-ups, small- to medium-enterprise, and corporate companies to develop research capabilities for the sector, to drive commercialisation and to deliver value to the F&B industry.  

FaBA has developed multidisciplinary teams across its four research programs:  

  1. Innovation Pathways 
  1. Innovative Ingredients 
  1. Premium Food and Beverages 
  1. The FaBA Training Centre.  

FaBA is proudly hosted by The University of Queensland, in collaboration with partners QUT, the University of Southern Queensland and UniQuest. It is supported by the Australian Government’s Department of Education through the Trailblazer Universities Program.  


Explore FaBA:

The award-winning Young Indigenous Women’s STEM Academy is a transformative program empowering young Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander women to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM).   

The Academy fosters a culturally safe and supportive environment nurturing talent, building confidence, and developing skills necessary for academic and career success. This globally unique program is proudly developed and entirely led by Indigenous women. Its Steering Committee, co-chaired by four outstanding alumni, provides a platform for developing leadership and board governance skills, further amplifying their impact.

The program provides bespoke opportunities for industry collaboration, enabling contributions like mentorships, sponsorship, internships, and work placements. To date, we’ve supported over 600 students nation-wide, with thanks to an initial $20million fund from the National Indigenous Australians Agency and in delivery partnership with CareerTrackers.  

STEM professionals play a pivotal role by sharing their expertise, inspiring the next generation through workshops, career talks, and real-world experience, working with us to create meaningful connections between education and industry.   

To collaborate or find out more, visit  

FlavourIQ solves the problem that everyone has a unique taste palate, no 2 people are the same, but no one knows how to choose the best coffee from hundreds of cafes, or the right wine at Dan Murphy’s.

FlavourIQ combines flavour science and AI to find the specific coffee that best matches each person’s unique flavour preferences (wine coming soon!).

Similar to how we used to buy music on CDs, but now Spotify’s AI recommends new music based on our listening preferences, FlavourIQ will recommend new foods and drinks instead of us guessing what’s delicious based on the product label. 

Explore FlavourIQ:

The iLAuNCH Trailblazer is an Australian Government Program with the University of Southern Queensland, the Australian National University and the University of South Australia building Australia’s enduring space capability through the commercialisation of projects, a fast-track accelerator, and skills development to build the workforce of the future. 

Explore iLAuNCH: iLAuNCH

The India Australia Rapid Innovation and Startup Expansion (RISE) Accelerator supports startups and SMEs with innovative technologies looking to expand between Australia and India. 

Through the program, Australian and Indian innovators are empowered to tackle shared national and global challenges, with a focus on environment and climate technologies and solutions. 

Over nine months, selected companies receive tailored coaching, mentoring, and support to navigate new markets, adapt their technologies and research overseas, and build connections with the right partners, customers, and talent. 

Delivered by CSIRO, Australia’s national science agency, in partnership with the Government of India’s Atal Innovation Mission (AIM), the RISE Accelerator helps participants gain local insights and critical connections to increase their potential for success and sustainable impact. 

Explore how RISE can fast-track your global expansion: 

CSIRO SME Connect has helped over 1,500 SMEs grow and gain a competitive advantage through collaborative innovation projects with researchers.

Our offering includes seven programs, four of which have matched-funding grants for projects and placements for SMEs of all sizes:

  • Regional University Industry Collaboration (RUIC) Program
  • Kick-Start Program
  • Innovate to Grow Program
  • India Australia RISE Accelerator
  • WA Food Industry Education Collaboration Program
  • Generation STEM Links Program
  • Graphite R&D Grant

Explore SME Connect Program

The Industry PhD (iPhD) Program is an industry-focused PhD initiative delivered by CSIRO and funded by the Australian Government as part of the University Research Commercialisation Action Plan. The program’s objectives are to develop industry-ready researchers and to increase industry-research collaboration. Over the course of 4 years, iPhD students undertake an industry-focused PhD research project, co-developed and supervised by a CSIRO researcher, a university researcher and an industry partner.  

Explore iPhD

To realise Australia’s potential as a clean energy and recycling superpower, UNSW and University of Newcastle have joined forces to deliver the Trailblazer for Recycling and Clean Energy (TRaCE) program, established by the Australian Department of Education to accelerate climate deep tech solutions from lab to market. 

TRaCE is about academic researchers solving industry problems to maximise the potential of Australian R&D, from discovery to global supply chain. 

Within its inaugural year, TRaCE has mobilised over $65 million in co-investment across major R&D projects with industry partners and has implemented 15 supporting programs designed to foster the right conditions for change. These initiatives enable companies to access state-of-the-art infrastructure, world-class expertise, top talent, and targeted financial and commercialisation support to drive translation and commercialisation in priority areas identified in the Modern Manufacturing Strategy. 

Explore FlavourIQ: