Event FAQs

Got a question about ON Core? You’ve come to the right place. We’ll keep adding questions and answers as ON Core 2025 gets closer to help you make the most of the day.

About ON Core:  

ON Core is a special event for the ON Innovation Program’s alumni, mentors, facilitators and the huge network of investors, experts and universities that supports researchers exploring the market potential of their research. If you are interested in joining us next time, sign up to the ON Program newsletter to stay updated.

We are still finalising sessions, speakers and activities. Stay tuned for program and speaker announcements in the lead up to ON Core – plus we’ll keep the website updated so you can find everything in one place.

Absolutely! Spaces are limited so if you’ve already registered to attend, please email the team and let us know the name of the person who will be attending in your place. We won’t be able to accommodate anyone who hasn’t already registered and received a confirmation. Email the ON program team via ON@csiro.au

Business casual (if you’ve got an ON shirt in the wardrobe – we wouldn’t be mad). Keep it smart, casual and ready to network.

We loved seeing so many of you at ON Core 2023! For ON Core 2025, we’re reflecting on what worked, what didn’t, and ways to make the event even better—and more sustainable for future events. While formal travel support won’t be available in 2025, if travel costs are a barrier, please reach out to the ON team at on@csiro.au, and we’ll explore how we can help.

Of course we got this sorted for you! Check out the ‘Location and Travel’ tab in the menu.

We love being social! Please tag us in your post by using the social handle @CSIRO across LinkedIn, X (formally known as Twitter), Instagram and Facebook.

All information about ON Core can be found via the website, including the agenda and guest speakers.

If you like a hashtag, these are the ones we are using: #ONCore #DeepTech #Innovation

CSIRO’s privacy policy:

We have policies and guidelines in place that detail how we collect, store and protect your information. For more information, take a look through our privacy policy: https://www.csiro.au/en/about/Policies/Privacy