Shannon Ruska

From the age of 8 years old Shannon Ruska has been living the dream of bringing culture alive. His father and many Aboriginal uncles and aunties over the years have instilled his heritage into his heart and soul.
His first journey was performing at Maryborough Cairns and Hopevale on a tour for one of Brisbane’s first Indigenous Drama group lead by Sydney Festival Director Wesley Enoch and Lafe Charlton Actor (Australian Movie Dead Heart, Expo 88′). It was at this point he decided the stage was his.
Alongside his father Eddie Ruska they began a dance group that was to set stages alive. This group known today as Nunukul Yuggera Aborignal Dancers has grown from a gig here and there in 1995 to travelling the globe performing at prestigious events G20 Summit with Validmar Putin, Barak Obama and many other world leaders to Rugby League World Cup Opening ceremonies.
Shannon’s belief and Vision is second to none setting trends in Aboriginal cultural delivery re- vamping the Aboriginal War Dance for the NRL Coo-wee-wah to having 50,000 Rugby Union Wallabies vs Ireland fans in Suncorp Stadium on their feet participating in a Dance.
Developing Riverlife Mirrabooka Experience Queensland Tourism hall of fame winning product has driven him to take Aboriginal Tourism to another level setting the trend with Australia’s leading Dinner and Experience with a 5 star TripAdvisor rated ‘Spirits of the Red Sand’ taking you on a journey through the 1800s era.
In 2003 Shannon was awarded Ipswich Australian of the Year for his cultural work in the region. He has taught over 2000 Indigenous kids from Brisbane, Stradbroke Island, Gold Coast, sunshine Coast and many regions of the Eastern Seaboard Aboriginal song, dance and Culture maintaining to give them opportunities to travel the world.
In his Career he has educated over 15 million people globally via live stage performance, Welcome to Country speeches and TV appearances on China TV, France Television stations, American TV Series ‘The Left Overs’ alongside US Television stars Regina King, Liv Tyler, Scott Glen, and Justin
Theroux. One of the Highlights of Shannon’s Career was meeting Richard Branson, as his father Eddie painted the Virgin Brand owner he appeared on the stage with Shannon announcing him on to the stage. It took people a little before the crowd realized it was Richard (painted up as an Aborigine) in a Brisbane Airport Hanger event. Today, Shannon continues to teach the Aboriginal children and the world about the most ancient people on the planet.
Shannon has been an Advisor and Cultural Consultant for major companies such as Brisbane City Council, Brisbane Airport, Queensland Tourism Industry Council, Qantas Airlines, Museum of Brisbane, Queensland Performing Arts Company, Brisbane Festival and other Various Corporations in Tourism, Mining, Education, Arts and Construction, bringing their cultural stories to life.
About Shannon Ruska – Tribal Experiences