Poster Session 1

Session time: 5:05pm – 5:15pm

Location: Ballroom promenade

Tri Martini (IPPIN)

Poster 1: Research on circular economic and local community development (Case study: Banjarnegara District)

Murray Richards (QUT)

Poster 6: Design opportunities to disrupt connections between single-use plastic packaging and produce

After a lifetime in international elite sport (field hockey), Murray Richards is applying his psychology and design education, together with industry experience, to research the application of design strategies in disrupting connections between fresh produce and single-use plastic packaging at the Queensland University of Technology (QUT).

Md Monjurul Islam (RMIT University)

Poster 11: Impact of bioplastics on environment from its production to end-of-life

Nugroho Adi Sasongko (IPPIN)

Poster 16: Innovative pyrolysis techniques for sustainable PVC waste management and ending plastic waste

Mayrianti Annisa Anwar (BRIN/ IPPIN)

Poster 21: Challenges and prospects of multilayer plastic waste management: a systematic literature review

Mayrianti Annisa Anwar works at the Indonesian National Research and Innovation Agency in the field of domestic cooperation. She is currently taking further studies in the Doctoral program at Bogor Agricultural University in the field of Natural Resources and Environmental Management with a concentration on policies in the management of multilayer or low-value plastic waste.  

Crystal Young (Murdoch University)

Poster 26: Comparative genomics analysis investigating the metabolic potential of salinivibrio spp. isolated from a soda-saline hypersaline lake, Pearse Lakes, Rottnest Island, Western Australia

Crystal Young is a PhD candidate from the Bioplastic Innovation Hub (Murdoch University-CSIRO). Her work focuses on bioprospecting using culture-dependent and independent methods for the characterisation of novel PHA synthases via cell-free protein synthesis. Crystal hopes her work will further investigate these enzymes for in vitro polyhydroxyalkanoate production.


Poster 31: ThinkFencing