
Day 1: Tuesday 23 May 2023

PLENARY ROOM – Ballroom 1&2
BREAKOUT 1 – Ballroom 3
BREAKOUT 2 – Hordern 1
BREAKOUT 3 – Hordern 2

Registration desk opens


Session 1: Open plenary

Welcome and housekeeping – Paul Sedgwick PiqueGlobal


Welcome to Country – Uncle Allan Murray

Opening address – Dr. Larry Marshall CSIRO

A video message from Minister Plibersek

Ending Plastic Waste Mission and symposium overview – Dr. Deborah Lau – CSIRO

Activities and challenges to end plastic waste:

Mr Sanjay Dayal – PACT Group

Ms Brooke Donnelly – Coles Group

Mr Peter Brisbane – Australian Packaging Covenant Organisation (APCO)

9:50AMPANEL DISCUSSION – Collaboration and innovation: working together to address Australia’s plastic waste challenge


Panel members: Larry Marshall (CSIRO), Brooke Donnelly (Coles Group), Peter Brisbane (APCO), Sanjay Dayal (PACT Group)
Moderator: Dr. Deborah Lau – CSIRO


Session 2: Achieving a circular economy for plastic

2.1 Circular Economy – an approach towards re-using plastics

Jason Graham-Nye – Circular Australia – Why reducing & recycling plastic wont be enough on its own

Anirban Ghose – UNSW Sydney – A vision for a Sustainable Future: Innovative transformations and solutions that deliver benefits for our people and planet

Richard Evans – CSIRO – Towards recyclable thermoset plastics

Melissa Skidmore – CSIRO – Modular processing options for ghost nets and other marine debris in remote northern Australia

Russel Varley – Deakin University – Self healing coatings for service life extension of the built environment

Heinz Schandl – CSIRO – When we collaborate we can go further: Insights from the Australia India Research and Industry Collaboration to Reduce Plastics Waste

2.2 Current practices and future prospects in plastic recycling

Anupama Kumar – CSIRO/ Lucy Jackson – Kimberly Clark – Closing the loop on nappies: an Aussie trial

Jeroen Wassenaar – Qenos – Circular Plastics from Advanced Recycling

Nawshad Haque – CSIRO – Life Cycle Analysis of Plastic Waste

Justin Frank – AFGC – National Plastic Recycling Scheme

Louise Hardman – Plastic Collective – Plasticology, planetary health and radical collaboration

Graeme Moad – CSIRO – Adopting whole-of-life strategies for polymers and plastics

Michael Batten – CSIRO – Creating sustainable lifecycles – time is the only thing we can’t recycle

2.3 Biodegradable polymers – current outlook and future prospects

Daniel Murphy Murdoch University – CSIRO-Murdoch University-Industry Bioplastics Innovation Hub

Pete Cass – CSIRO – Are bioplastics the answer to preventing plastic pollution?

Sofia Chaudry – CSIRO – Pathways of bioplastic production from microalgae

Julia Reisser – Uluu – Replacing plastic with ocean-derived materials

Hafna Ahmed – CSIRO – Rewriting and repurposing biology for bioplastic degradation

Albert Ardevol Grau – CSIRO – Enzymatic biodegradation of plastics

Session 3: Knowledge and data system initiatives – enabling change

3.1 Social and behavioural enablers to ending plastic waste

Andrea Walton – CSIRO – Enabling social and behavioural change

Murni Po – CSIRO – Understanding household plastic waste behaviour in India through the lens of social practice theory

Sorada Tapsuwan – CSIRO – Circular economy in India: A Bayesian belief network analysis of household purchasing and disposal behaviour of plastics

Rod McCrea – CSIRO –Early prediction of social issues with emerging technologies – Advanced recycling of plastics

3.2 Plastic reduction, reuse and recycling in managed waste: empowering supply chain data

Gavin Walker – CSIRO – Data flows and feedback loops

Wei Ni – CSIRO – Smart Bin: engaging the consumer and the producer

Dilum Bandara – CSIRO –Material insight: privacy-preserving supply chain propagation

Conggai Li – CSIRO – Supply chain analytics: keeping it private and safe

  Indo-Pacific Plastics Innovation Network (IPPIN) – Industry Session CLOSED SESSION
IPPIN – Industry Session – by invitation
 Q&A Q&A  
 3.3 Applying knowledge to identify solutions to end plastic waste

Andrea Volentras – Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme A Pacific Ocean Litter Project View on plastics challenges in the Pacific Islands region and the key role of knowledge to inform decision making

Denise Hardesty – CSIRO – Measuring and monitoring waste leakage to identify and support appropriate interventions and solutions in Australia and beyond

Brad Dalrymple
– Ocean Protect – Protecting our oceans from (and with) plastic waste

Justine Barrett – CSIRO – New Technologies for Ending Plastic Waste – Gross pollutant trap sensor project
3.4 Leveraging standards and best practices to reduce plastic waste

Qamar Schuyler – CSIRO – Best practices and standards to reduce plastic waste: current landscape and future directions

Peter Bury – Chemistry Australia – The role of standards for a strong circular economy

Stephanie Groves – Standards Australia – Plastic waste: the role of standards and current landscape

Helen Millicer – One Planet Consulting – Australia becoming a global super-circular economy

 Session 4: Posters and pitch session

Circular economy

Submit a question using:

Chaired by: Michael Batten

Manuela Benavides – (1) QUT Centre for a Waste Free World
Plastic futures: speculative design for a true circular economy

Anya Phelan – (2) Griffith University
Circular ecosystem innovation in Western Cape York

Aziz Ahmed – (3) University of Wollongong
A community driven 3D printing micro-factory aims to democratize plastic recycling

Matthew Flynn – (4) University of Southern Queensland
Processing end-of-life coated paper products for use as structural materials

Knowledge and data – microplastics

Submit a question using:

Chaired by: Justine Barrett

Sijing Li – (17) CSIRO
Risk characterisation of microplastics in recycled organic wastes – getting the right count

Biplob Pramanik – (18) RMIT University
Role of water shear force for microplastics fragmentation into nanoplastics in the wastewater treatment plants

Chengrong Chen – (19) Griffith University
Detecting microplastics in organic-rich materials and their potential risks to earthworms in agroecosystems

Juniper Riordan – (20) Australian Microplastic Assessment Project (AUSMAP)
Bringing the Micro Into View Through a Microlitter Reduction Framework

Materials and processes

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Chaired by: Albert Ardevol Grau

Chye Yi Leow – (11) The University of Adelaide
Hydrothermal Liquefaction of Plastic-Lignin Binary Mixtures

Laila Halim, Matthew Hill and Leonie van’t Hag – (12) Monash University and CSIRO Applied Porous Materials Team
Plastic waste and its potential role in the future of green energy

Chris Rinke – (13) The University of Queensland
Biorecycling – a promising waste innovation

Jojibabu Panta – (14) Western Sydney University
Investigating the Feasibility of Recycled Polyethylene Terephthalate Glycol-modified as a Viable Printing Material for 3D Printing

Brett Pollard – (15) Australian National University
Fully Bio-Based & Compostable Coffee Thermosets

Tracey Read – (16) The University of Queensland
Are all bioplastics biodegradable in the sea?
Knowledge and data

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Chaired by: Caroline Bray

Anh Dang Nguyet – (5) Vietnam National Plastic Action Partnership – Turning commitments to reduce plastic waste pollution into actions

Tom McColl – (6) Strategic Development Group
Bridging the gap – Methods to demonstrate impact and value to funders

Oliver Palin – (7) CLS Oceania
Tracking macro-plastic accumulation areas with Argos drifters and operational drift modelling

Jack Fitzgerald – (8) Think Fencing
Enhancing uPVC recycling

Clement Chan – (9) The University of Queensland
The role of biodegradable plastics in tackling plastic waste – Challenges and potential solutions

Cao Ngoc Tu Xaychak – (10) CSIRO
Breaking Down Plastic Waste: Assessing the Environmental Impact of Chemical Recycling Processes
5:30 PM
Networking and Canapes
Symposium Event Dinner

Join CSIRO’s Chris Krishna-Pilay with special guest Rebecca Prince-Ruiz from Plastic Free July for a delicious three course meal and some light trivia. You may even get the chance to win a beautiful made-made Ghost Net art installation.

Day 2: Wednesday 24 May 2023 

Registration desk opens

Session 5: Industry Panel – Industry pathways for managing plastic waste

Submit your question using this QR code
Suzanne Toumbourou who will chair a panel made up of Colin Barker from the Australian Industrial Ecology Network (AIEN); Bonnie Marshall from the National Retail Association (NRA); Peter Bury from Chemistry Australia; Richard Kirkman from Veolia Group and Ricki Hersburgh from Plastic Oceans Australasia.

Session 6: The future of plastics innovation in the Indo-Pacific

Submit your question using this QR code
Global initiatives opening remarks – Jonathan Law – CSIRO


Indo-Pacific Plastics Innovation Network (IPPIN)Amelia Fyfield – CSIRO

Panel – IPPIN in action

Panel chair – Andrea Sosa Pintos – CSIRO

Panel members: CSIRO – Denise Hardesty; Monash University – Jane Holden; CSIRO – Stuart Gordon; SecondMuse Sing Suen Soon


Session 7: Continuing our collaborative journey – next steps on the path to ending plastic waste

Over Day one and Day two we will ask you to vote for the top four topics you would like to see discussed as part of our interactive session. The top four topics will be taken forward in a collaborative discussion over 60 minutes. The eight topics to choose from are:

1. Standards for Advanced Recycling
2. Research, industry and government integration to support system transformation
3. International cooperation to plastic waste reduction: collaboration and knowledge sharing
4. Traceability of recycled content
5. Supporting Australia to meet its plastic targets
6. Improving recycling rates
7. Australia’s leadership role in ending plastic waste
8. Future of bio-derived plastics in Australia
Topic 1
 Topic 2
 Topic 3
 Topic 4

Session 8: Symposium wrap-up

Reflections, knowledge sharing and building future collaborations with Dr. Deborah Lau

The full agenda is still being finalised and subject to change.